Article: Three Easy Ways to Clean Your Silver Miami Cuban Link Chain

Three Easy Ways to Clean Your Silver Miami Cuban Link Chain
All right, let's keep it a buck. Silver is beautiful. The white metallic look, the shine, the beautiful, beautiful sleek’s absolutely stunning. But silver is like your ex-girlfriend. In fact, silver *is* your ex-girlfriend. It has a lot of needs. You gotta nurture it, you gotta feed it, you gotta take care of it, you gotta put some maintenance into it. And I know you're asking, But how do I do that, Gus? How do I keep it looking fresh? I’m sick of it looking like a catalytic converter every time I go out!
I will teach you how properly clean silver jewelry—your Miami Cuban link chains and any other silver jewelry you have in your closet. No need to fear; Gus Villa is here. Here are three easy ways to clean your silver jewelry and bring your silver jewelry from looking like Rosie O'Donnell to Kelly Kapowski.
Baking Soda
This is the simple way, the household items route. You’re gonna use some baking soda, a bowl, aluminum foil, and some boiling hot water. That’s it! Let’s go.
1. Put some tin foil inside any sort of bowl. Make sure the shiny side is up.
2. Put the baking powder inside, lay your chain flat right in there, and pour boiling hot water.
3. Add a little bit more baking soda and just wait.
This is usually for the people who have tarnished silver. After about 10 minutes, take it out, run it through some cold water, pat dry with some paper towels, and it's good.
Ultrasonic Cleaner
The second way is going to be with an ultrasonic cleaner. You can find it on Amazon, and it’s gonna be about 40 bucks. You’ll also need some Dawn soap, a soft toothbrush, and a polishing rag.
You can clean your jewelry this way pretty often. Maybe after a couple of weeks of use, maybe after a couple of months, or maybe you just came to Miami, danced with a lagoon creature at a club, and woke up wanting to wash those sins away. Either way works! Let’s get it popping.
1. Pour cold water into the ultrasonic and put some Dawn or Dove soap in there.
2. Lay the chain flat right inside and turn the ultrasonic on.
Once it’s ready, take the chain out, open up each link, and very softly run the toothbrush through, taking out all the grime and dirt that’s in between. Make sure to get every nook and cranny.
3. Once you’re done, pop it right back into the ultrasonic.
4. When it’s done, run it through some fresh water.
5. Pat it dry—make sure not to swipe down with a paper towel as it’s going to scratch the piece.
6. Use your polishing rag to give it a final shine. Make sure the piece is completely dry before you do this and definitely apply some pressure.
The Tupperware Cleaner
The third way is almost identical to the second way, but if you’re cheap, faster, or don’t want to spend the money on an ultrasonic cleaner, you can just simply use some Tupperware. I’ll show you how to do it the exact same way.
1. Grab some Tupperware, a little bit of water, and heat that bad boy up.
2. Put some Dawn soap inside.
3. Lay your chain flat and leave it for about 15 minutes.
4. Open up each link and brush on the inside.
5. Rinse it with cold water and pat dry with a polishing rag.
And voila, there it is!
Now that you’re back to looking like a million bucks, make sure to check out The Ultimate Guide to buying a Miami Cuban Link Chain. It's going to help you make the right choice on your next purchase.