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Article: 6 Things You Must Know before buying Gold Over Silver Jewelry

Cuban link chains

6 Things You Must Know before buying Gold Over Silver Jewelry

Dimelo what up! It's your boy, Gus from Gus Villa Jewelry. And in this video, I'm going to answer your burning hot questions about gold over silver Miami Cuban links. We're gonna go over all the most popular and most asked questions. By the time this video is over, you're going to answer the question, Is this a product that I want to be purchasing myself? Leggo.

1. How long does gold over silver last? Let's start with the biggest and most popular question of them all. Now I get asked this question probably 30 times a day, and I'm going to give you the honest truth. It depends. 

It doesn't necessarily narrow down to a specific amount of time because several things affect how gold over silver lasts. The biggest one, of course, is the acidity in your sweat. If you're going to be wearing this thing every single day, if you have a high acidity in your sweat, you're going to eat through that gold faster than someone who doesn't necessarily sweat at all.

The second one, of course, is the usability. How often are you going to be wearing this thing, are you going to wear it to the club, popping bottles on a jet ski, are you going to be banging it up, or is this something that's going to be a weekend banger. The last one, of course, is how much maintanence you're going to give this. There are some people that just like to put on a chain and never, ever take it off. Those kind of people, you're going to wear down that gold much faster on average though. You should expect it to be wearing between 8 months to a year if you never take if off, and 1 to 2 years or even longer if you're just going to wear it on the weekends. Now, this is a gold over silver product, this isn't solid gold. For the love of Jesus himself, understand that you are buying a plated piece of jewelry. So maybe within 2 months or 3 months there is a certain part where it has a lot of wear, that it begins to already fade, maybe 2 or 3 of the links or maybe between somewhere the metals are touching each other, that's typically where it's going to fade the fastest. The important part to understand here is that it's going to fade. There is no plated piece of jewelry that is going to stay solid the way it comes when you first open it up which is a perfect segue into question number 2 ...
2. Can gold over silver be replated? The answer is yes! Of course it can. With every single purchase with Gus Villa Jewelry, as of March 2023, the first bath is half off. So what we do is say, for instance, you used it for about a year, it's worn out you need to freshen it up. You send it back to us, we go ahead and buff it, remove all the scratches on there and then we apply the gold again. We charge $1.25 a gram,  it leaves the chain spankin' brand new and then you use it for another year, 2 years, or however long it lasts. So absolutely. You can get it replated. Half off the first time, it's $1.25, then afterwards it's $2.00 and you can continue to do that over and over until ultimately you grind it down to a spare nub.
3. Can I go with my gold over silver chain into the pool or into the ocean? The answer simply is yes, of course you can. What a lot of people are scared of is that once they go into Miami, you have
the weekend cruise down here, you jump into that pool, you're looking all cool with your 10 mm 24-inch gold over silver.
And you come out and the gold starts dripping off.
No need to fear, my guy! Gus Villa is here. Here I am, throwing myself in the pool to let you know that it does survive chlorine.
Absolutely did not need to see my horrendous body in the pool. But I did
it to show you guys that in fact it does survive chlorine, pool water, ocean water. It's completely fine. These things are 100% handmade in real silver and we coat them in actual gold. That's the difference. We don't use a base like brass or stainless steel and then lacquer paint them on top. That's where you get all these situations people come out of the pool and it's turning your neck green, and the gold is falling off we actually use real 14K and actual silver so there's nothing that corrodes any of the metals
You can go in there, backstroke it all you want. You're going to be perfectly fine.
4. Does it look like solid gold? Now, I've done videos like this before I'll put a link right here so that you can see an actual comparison between gold over silver and solid gold. But the short answer is, yes, of course because the process of which we make ours is exactly the same way we do with our solid gold. The majority of the companies out there, when you're purchasing anything in gold over silver or plated or whatever it is, you're putting it over a cheap metal. So, 90% of the pieces out there are going to be in stainless steel, nickel, chromium, or copper, and what they do is that they mimic them with a machine and that's how they actually make them. And afterwards they dip them in either a lacquer paint that looks like gold - and it's not actual gold - it's usually some sort of zinc mix. Or they use some sort of other flash plating that's going to fall off and turn your neck green.
With ours, all we're doing is using silver and gold and the process of which is exactly the same. We melt the silver into a bar, run it through the wire exactly the same way. We stretch it through the stretch bench until we make a circular wire. We wrap up that wire, solder each and every single one of those link shut by hand. Then we turn the chain, file it, give it a nice polish and it's beautiful. If you just wanted a silver Cuban link chain you could order that too. It's exactly the same thing and then we dip it in real gold so a lot of people ask me, 'Gus, can you send me pictures side by side of what they look like?' There is no sense in sending any pictures because there is no visual difference. It's the same thing. Plus silver has actually a lot of weight to it. So you don't hear it start clinging and clanging kind of like a stainless steel one does. This has real weight. You're going to feel the real weight on your neck and it's going to look identical to solid gold, which is a perfect segue into...
5. Is it going to turn my neck green or make me have some sort of
allergic reaction? The short answer, once again, is no, because it doesn't have any weird metals in there like nickel or zinc or copper. Now if you are allergic to silver, then of course you will have some sort of reaction to it. But there are very few people with an actual silver allergy. Most people who are even allergic to silver are allergic to the alloy that they use to bring it down to either 925 or 950. So more than likely you're allergic to the nickel or to the copper itself. But for the most part, you're going to be completely fine. No, it's not going to turn your neck green. No, you're not going to get some sort of crazy allergic reaction. Unless, of course, you're allergic to silver like I said before. What's going to end up happening it's just going to wear on your body. It's not going to make you scratchy or itchy or anything like that and it's going to fade pretty evenly and then you'll just need a redip after that. But don't worry about you breaking out into hives or anything like that. You're good. 
6. Are gold over silver Miami Cuban link chains worth the buy? Is this something that you should be doing? Well you got to ask yourself a
couple of questions. Number one, am I looking to park my money into something that I'm going to enjoy? Remember gold chains or any sort of gold jewelry is not an investment. There is going to be a heavy premium on anything that is handmade or even machine-made for that matter. And you're going to have to wait many, many years before you could
recuperate the margin that you spent on top of the actual gold value. So gold chains for the most part are going to be a way of parking your money. Now in silver - and that goes for both gold over silver and silver - the most thing that you are spending your money on is on the
labor. So for you to be able to recuperate any sort of money on anything
that is silver ...You're simply just not. You're going to have to wait 20, 30, 40, 50 years before your premium that you paid on top of the silver value gets recouped back. So ask yourself, is this something that is going to be worth it for me? This is who gold over silver is for and this is what I keep repeating over and over. You're a person who's a young professional - maybe somebody who had real jewelry in the past - and somehow or another you got rid of it or you just don't want to spend thousands and
thousands of dollars but you want something that looks both authentic like a solid gold one and it's some sort of quality in the craftsmanship behind making the actual piece. If that's some sort of value to you, if you want to have something that really looks nice, that doesn't look like the stainless steel cheap stuff that you can get off of Craigslist, then this product is for you. If you are someone who needs to have some sort of parking of the money, you want that actual gold right around your
neck then gold over silver just simply isn't for you. I mean look at it more as if this is something that you can wear, you don't have to worry about people calling you out on it or anything like that, it's something that looks good. It feels good and I know a lot of people who buy gold over silver who have a lot of heavy hitters in the back, who don't necessarily want to run a risk. You know the kind of economy and state that we
are living in right now, people are looking to make a quick buck. God forbid somebody stops you in the middle of the street and says, 'Hey man give me that chain,' you could take that off with confidence say, 'Brother... run away with it.' I have a lot of people that have purchased big, big time high carat chains from me and then the ones that they daily wear are gold over silver. Myself, I rock a gold over silver chain. This is a 10 mm 24-inch gold over silver because I like the product. Can I go out there and make myself a 24 Karat chain? Absolutely, but I would rather have this. God forbid anybody takes it or I lose it or whatever the case may be, this is more of a product that I confidently wear around downtown and I'm an actual jewelry chain owner. So hopefully this answers all of the questions that you guys had. Of course if you have any other ones, drop it down in the comments below. I'm going to be answering any more of these and
I'm going to be sending this off as a link to anybody who makes these kind of questions or who purchases any of these pieces cuz I want you guys to be as informed as possible. Of course if you guys are interested in a gold over silver chain visit , we have them available. The wait time right now is currently 3 weeks. For all those people that have or need any sort of replating on their pieces we are here for you guys as well. Hopefully you guys enjoyed this video. We'll catch you guys in the next one. Holla at me.

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Cuban link chains

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